How a display works

We are going to oversimplify what a display is, step by step:

embedded systems fpga arduino RaspberryPi
Storage unit connected to a lamp

Let us assume that we have this storing unit called D Flip Flop or register, and we have stored some electrical signal in it, just like an electrical switch, where every storage unit is connected to a lamp.

If a unit is storing a ‘1’ then the lamp will be turned on

Else if it is storing nothing which means a ‘0’ then the lamp will be turned off. it is the same as saying that the lamp will turn on/off according to the register state if it’s storing velectrical singal or not.

So, we can say that a screen is a giant register file or an array of electrical switches. this is why every displaying device needs some kind of a memory, because the memory stored signals is actually the frame we are seeing on the screen.

Everything stored in this memory is going to reflect the frame we are seeing on the lamps or screen LEDs (that is not the exact fact but it’s the basic concept)

So, if we have a 200x200 screen that means we have a 200x200 flip-flops and a 200x200 lighting unit connected to each flip-flop, and whatever we store inside the flip-flops we are going to see it on the lamps which will give us the illusion that we are seeing shapes, numbers etc.