Introduction to HTML
HTML is the most popular language in Web devlopment. Every Webpage on the internet is based on this language.
How does an HTML program looks like?
<title>Title of the page</title>
<p> HTML Page Format</p>
- An HTML page starts with <html> and end with </html> tags.
- HTML page have two section, head and body.
- <head></head> tags are placed between <html> <body> tags.
- Head tags deal with metadata such as title,character set,style etc..
- Metadata is not displayed in webpage.
- <title></title> tags used to specify the title of webpage.Title written inside the head tag.
- <body></body> tags are placed between </head> </html> tags.
- Body tags used to specify what displayed in browser screen.
If we save this template in a file with extension of .html we would get the following output: